Wednesday, December 30, 2015

A Piece Of Peace : Looking Ahead

Hello and welcome to a Piece of Peace, your weekly dose of motivation and inspiration. 

This week I would like to share with you on the topic “Looking Ahead”. It is just a day before 2015 is finally over and if you are anything like me, you will be looking back on the activities of the New Year and probably evaluating how far you have come and how well or not you have done.

I always tend to reflect around this time. Many of us start the New Year full of promises and resolutions about how this year in particular is going to be different from the previous ones but somehow end up doing the same things that we have always done. It is not so easy changing a habit that has been cultivated for years. Sometimes it is easier to simply do what we have always done. 

Two days ago I had a conversation with a close friend who was a bit upset. She had spent the year waiting on a breakthrough that unfortunately did not happen. She had staked a lot of her plans for the year on this breakthrough and looking back, she felt like she missed a lot of opportunities whiles waiting and praying for her break through to come.

Looking back at her year, she felt like she had not achieved anything significant. It was supposed to be the year she finally made the mark in her career. The year she showed all her Nay Sayers that she was not to be written off just yet. The blow of her breakthrough not coming in 2015 was too much to recover from. She was in a bad place emotionally and could not see why she needed to be optimistic. 

At the end of it all, 2016 might play out in the same way so what is the point? She asked. Like my friend, there are many of you that probably did not get exactly what you were looking for from 2015. I know I lost a couple of opportunities that really had a big blow to my confidence and my motivation. 

But through it all, I always kept my focus and looked ahead. Sometimes looking ahead for brighter days is all we need to do to keep moving forward. You cannot be in a moving vehicle and not move forward and the only way to progress is to stay positive and keep moving.

On your way to where you’re meant to be you will trip, stumble, and fall but it is important to remember that it is all part of the imperfect progress. Without tripping you wouldn’t learn how to pay attention, if you didn’t stumble you wouldn’t know how to gain strength to get back up. You have got to go through it to get to it. You must be tested in order to share a testimony. 

The progress is imperfect because it’s meant to bring you out to reach imperfect people and let them know nothing in life is perfect or works according to our time and plans, not even the final destination will be perfect! The only thing that you should seek perfection in is the perfect God who loves you with all your perfect imperfections! Whether we choose to acknowledge or not and no matter how good or bad this year has been, remember there are better days ahead on the horizon and if only you can look forward and keep your eye on the end goal, 2016 will definitely be a breakthrough year. No matter what you do, always remember to be yourself, because everyone else is taken.

Much Love,

Peace Hyde.

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