According to reports, celebrated Ghanaian comedian, Kofi Adu popularly known as Agya Koo has been arrested by the Anti-Human Trafficking Unit (AHTU) of the Criminal Investigations Department (CID) Headquarters in Accra. This comes in after previous news that the actor had already left the country before a warrant was issued by an Accra Circuit Court for the comedian to answer allegations of fraud made against him by Stephen Kwarteng.
According to the reports, he arrested on Friday when he called at the unit to answer questions on the alleged fraud. He might not be granted bail immediately since the warrant of arrest issued by the judge did not state that he should be given a police bail. Agya Koo would face charges of attempting to smuggle and defrauding by false pretense. He had insisted that his lawyer, Nkrabea Effah Dartey, be present before he would write his statement or be interrogated.
However, after several hours of waiting, the police took him to the crime scene at the American Embassy where his victims said the had converged to claim their US entry visas which were never forthcoming.
By Ameyaw Debrah
According to the reports, he arrested on Friday when he called at the unit to answer questions on the alleged fraud. He might not be granted bail immediately since the warrant of arrest issued by the judge did not state that he should be given a police bail. Agya Koo would face charges of attempting to smuggle and defrauding by false pretense. He had insisted that his lawyer, Nkrabea Effah Dartey, be present before he would write his statement or be interrogated.
However, after several hours of waiting, the police took him to the crime scene at the American Embassy where his victims said the had converged to claim their US entry visas which were never forthcoming.
By Ameyaw Debrah
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