Friday, February 20, 2015


Tic-Tac, has advocated for the need for society to support in unearthing female talents in the area of dancing for the growth of the music industry.

The multiple award winner bemoaned the consistent increase in male dancers in various national and international dance competitions to the detriment of their female counterparts.

This he said, when not properly addressed will kill female dance talents in Ghana.

To this end, his reputable record label, TN Records is committing a whopping $800 dollars to any lady who can better dance to his two new nerve-wracking singles, “Don’t let your baby go” and “All Over the world”.

According to him, this would rekindle the act of dancing among ladies and increase the sense of competition in addressing the challenge in the foreseeable future.

He added that all interested ladies are to upload the short video to a whatsapp Number +233 244 372 322, TicTacgh on instagram / facebook and on twitter @tictacgh, after which a panel of experts in the area of dancing will analyze and select the lucky one.

“Is about time we whip up the interest in our female dancers and help raise talents for the industry” he added.

He stated that the presentation of the money prize to the winner would be done on live Television.

In other not to allow the talent go waste after the competition, he echoed that the winner will eventually become an official dancer of the label and be granted the opportunity to travel with the artiste on tour.

He recounted that it is paramount on all industry players to support in raising the level of dancers in the industry, for without dance, a performance becomes unattractive.

The songs were produced by two of the nation’s finest sound engineers, Lazio beats and Dr. Ray and the emotional awakening videos would soon hit the screens.

This piece was written by Edem Mensah-Tsotorme for Cypress Ghana

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