Saturday, May 10, 2014

Press Release: Ignore Ga Traditional Council – GBA

The attention of the Ghana Boxing Authority (GBA) has been drawn to the recent press release dated 6th May 2014 issued by the Ga Traditional Council (GTC) captioned “no boxing event during the traditional lent period’.

The contents of the said release are most unfortunate and constitute a blatant attempt by the GTC not only to mislead the public but also to arrogate to itself powers it does not have.

The GTC has no power or authority to cancel or cause the postponement of any boxing event in the country. The GBA does not operate under the auspices of the GTC and neither does the GBA report to the GTC in the performance of its functions.

The venue for the Bukom Banku and Ayitey Powers fight ie. the Accra Sports Stadium does not even fall within the territorial jurisdiction of the GTC in so far as the enforcement of the ban on drumming and noise making is concerned. It is therefore surprising that inspite of the recent compromise reached by the GBA with the Osu Stool to bring the fight originally scheduled for 16th May 2014 to a day earlier ie. 15th May 2014 the GTC is still bent on disrupting this public event for sinister and ulterior motives.

The GBA therefore has no intention of complying with any such directive coming particularly from a body which has absolutely nothing to do with the promotion or development of the sport of boxing. For this reason the GBA is asking boxing fans and the general public to ignore that press release. The GBA hereby confirms that the fight between Bukom Banku and Ayitey Powers will surely take place at the Accra Sports Stadium on Thursday the 15th day of May 2014.

In this regard the GBA is putting in place the necessary arrangements with the National Sports Authority, the Ghana Police Service and the relevant security agencies to put in place measures aimed at providing adequate security for the protection of boxing fans and members of the general public who will throng the Accra Sports Stadium to watch the fight from possible harassment by any misguided or lawless group of persons who will attempt to forment any trouble on the day of the fight.

The GBA is deeply saddened by the defamatory statement made by the GTC to effect that the promotion of the is fight is being undertaken by scheming business people who are only bent on fattening their bank accounts. The Promoter of the fight Mr. Alex Ntiamoah a born and bred resident of Bukom and his sponsors are doing a yeomans job in collaboration with the GBA to uplift the image of professional boxing in Ghana so as to attract more corporate sponsors to the sport and it is most unfortunate and ironic that the leaders of the very people from whose constituency most of our boxers hail should show such ingratitude to their benefactors by making these negative remarks.

For its part the GBa has in consultation with the Promoters of the fight and other stakeholders begun a programme to educate members of the public particularly those from Bukom and Jamestown the territorial jurisdiction of the GTC on the need to observe the ban in their vicinities on the fight night. The GBA therefore invites the GTC to join hands with it in this endeavour so that its fears will be allayed and its concerns addressed. Thank you



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