Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Guest Feature : WHAT A YEAR!!!

Whoa!! What a year 2015 has been.  For me it’s been that kind of year you think was so bad then you remember the good things and you say oh it wasn’t that bad and you remember again the bad things and you go like oooo charley this year has been someway papa.

In January, I lost my cousin. It was hard not because he was full of life but because I saw him before he passed, like two months before and I did not call him. I watched him from afar and said next time I will call him.

That was the last time. My grief was because I could have gotten that last warm hug from him, I lost that because I thought tomorrow will come, I learnt the hard way that tomorrow doesn’t always come.

I had a lot of things planned for myself this year, change jobs, become more financially stable and to find love and hopefully settle down. Yea I thought this would be my year if not to settle down but at least to fall in love, at least feel that butterflies in my stomach and act all silly because some man somewhere has captured my heart. Hahahahahahah pardon the laughter but I can’t help it.

How can I miss acting silly in the name of love? Hahah but I miss that, the staying up thinking about him and wishing he was around, yea, all that silliness. 

But not finding love was not so bad after all because it gave me time to think and know what I did not want. This year, I learnt that a crucial step in finding what you want is knowing exactly what you don’t want. So this year I realized that I do not want a braggart.

A man who may have it all in terms of looks and financial status but spends all the time talking about himself. You spend 1 hour with him and he spends 50 mins talking about himself and the other 10 mins talking on the phone with another about himself.

I also do not want a man who thinks he is doing me a favor by being with me. Abufusem, some men think you should be lucky they are interested in you because he is a catch and if you slack someone else will take over so you should be glad. I met a few this year and immediately I knew for a fact that I could not be with a stuck up person like that. I should be lucky you are interested in me, arhh  you should rather be lucky that I am even considering you.

I also learnt that I do not want a man who constantly thinks someone better will take me away from him. Nothing irritates me more than a man who has a low self-image of himself. I met a really nice guy this year but it did not fly because he would not miss an opportunity to tell me that because I meet a lot of people I am likely to find someone better than him.

That relationship ended even before it started, I cannot spend all my time reassuring you that I am with you because of you. Eei bei, I can’t do that, if you need constant assuring that I love you then I am sorry you can’t be for me.

Lastly I learnt that I do not want a man expects me to always share his views. A man who doesn’t want me to give a dissenting opinion.  I  was raised to speak up with respect each time I am uncomfortable with something.

So I will always speak about not liking how the NPP is running their issues or the government’s incompetence in the handling of matters. I will always speak my mind and will not for a second deny myself that opportunity because a man who says he loves me expects me to always agree with him.

I am very glad that my someway year is ending, and I am grateful for all the memories it brought me. The rib cracking moments with my girls girls(Naa, Selina Marian), the stadiums dates with Chris Osei Yeboah, the long WhatsApp chats with Nathan Quo, the family moments with Adjoa Mary and Abena Aprekua, the surprise food moments with Kwabena Poku and the amazing experience of the love I was showed by all of you. I may not have gotten all I wanted but God sure did provide all my needs.

By akosua ogyiri 

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