Thursday, November 20, 2014

A Piece of Peace: Confidence Breeds Success

Welcome to this weeks ‘Piece of Peace’, today I would like to share on the topic of CONFIDENCE BREEDS SUCCESS

Confidence is a state of mind. It’s the feeling of self-assurance that arises from the appreciation of your abilities and qualities. 

Confidence is knowing what you bring to the table. It is knowing that you can get the job done. Your belief in your own abilities, which is tied in closely with your level of confidence, determines how successful anything you do will be.

Confidence comes naturally with success but success comes only to those who are confident.

For those of us who have low confidence, do not worry. The good news is, you do not have to be born with it. Do not let the noise of others opinions drown out your own inner voice. You can increase your confidence whenever you want. This is because; confidence is not a static measure. Stop being unhappy with yourself, you are perfect. Stop wishing you looked like someone else or wishing people liked you as much as they like someone else.

Stop trying to get attention from those who hurt you. Stop hating your body, your face, your personality, and your quirks. Love them, without them you wouldn’t be you and why would you want to be anyone else? Be confident with who you are, smile, it will draw people in. The greatest gift you can offer the world is YOU. Determine your happiness will not depend on others anymore. Say to yourself I am happy because I love who I am, I love my flaws, I love my imperfections, they make me me. And “ME” is pretty amazing.

If you don’t believe you’re capable of reaching your goals, you probably won’t reach them. Confidence comes from not always being right but from not fearing to be wrong. There are always two voices sounding in our ears: the voice of fear and the voice of confidence. One is the clamor of the senses and the other is the whispering of the higher self. When you reach the latter, there is no room for jealousy.

When you know you are great, you have no need to hate. Most people are raised to believe that they are just as good as the next person. Realize today that you are better because nobody can do what you can do. You decide who you are not society. Your dream will always, always defeat reality if you give it a chance. You are walking the path that you are destined to walk. Be confident in that knowledge and never ever take no for an answer.

The only difference between you and those who failed before you is a simple decision. They decided to have a limit to how far they were willing to go. Remove all the little distractions that cause you to feel insecure about what God has destined for you to become. There should be nobody walking that should make you feel intimidated enough to dislike them for no reason. Thinking too much of what others think of you, ultimately changes what you think of yourself. Do not let that happen.

Remember, be yourself, because everyone else is taken.

Much love,

Peace Hyde

Twitter: @peac_hy

Instagram: @peac_hy


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