Monday, March 17, 2014

Okomfo Kwadee To Fight Gays In Ghana & Beyond

Ghanaian musician, Okomfo Kwadee, stormed Accra recently for a special interaction with a section of the media who wonder if he’s okay and ready for the music business.

Apart from the fact that he’s now releasing singles and preparing to release an album by the middle of the year, he’s also embarking on lots of special societal projects.

To him, of all the projects he is preparing to embark on, one that’s dearest to his heart is the Anti-Gay campaign.

According to Kwadee, gayism is one of the dangerous things we shouldn’t joke with as a people. “You could see that gayism is gradually spreading and if we don’t campaign against it, it might get out of hand” Kwadee lamented.
Kwadee continued: “whenever one violates the natural or moral order established by God, one sins and offends God. ‘Same-sex marriage’ does just this. Accordingly, anyone who professes to love God must be opposed to it.”

He confirmed that he will soon launch the official campaign.

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