Tuesday, May 29, 2018


Inferiority complex is the absence of self-worth,a doubt and uncertainty about oneself, and feelings of not measuring up to standards. 

This is a situation a lot or most people face or go through during incidences or moments of struggle and facing challenges in their journey through life and career expedition.

As soon as that thought gets under way you begin to think less of yourself. You get lost in your thoughts and your purpose.

You begin to lose sight of the essence of your personality and importance of your brand.You start to compare your losses with others achievements and forget the strengths you have against their weaknesses.

These thoughts usually set in during moments when you are unable to do something or achieve something or you find yourself handicapped in a situation or you feel you lack the ability or capability to do something you find others doing or attaining effortlessly.

One essential factor worth mentioning that aids you to achieve or do something effortlessly is the grace of God. The grace of God flows abundantly with your closeness to God. The closer you get to God the more you grow apart from consistent failures and find strength in your weaknesses.

The absence of God creates the absence of purpose and direction to the essence of your existence and realization of your unique characteristics and abilities. The deeper you get with God the clearer your purpose is revealed to you. Hence,as more audible as your purpose hits you,even through a few challenges or failures you are being driven by that to go all ends to achieve that purpose.

Also remember always that you are your own remedy.You are the only one who has the power to control your thoughts and what to allow in. The mind and tongue is a powerful tool or weapon for personal growth and career development. If you allow yourself to see or think of yourself as inferior to others that is how you would always picture your personality but if you always believe in yourself and say to yourself everyday that 'I can do better. I am unique in my own way', and put it into action you begin to value your worth.

Besides that,draw strength from your failures instead of giving it the chance in lowering you.Always focus on your positivities, capabilities or abilities to strengthen you. Draw strength from what inspires you most often to keep you moving.Seek solutions for your inabilities or weaknesses. Wallowing in them would not make you feel any better. It triggers a feeling of low self worth and esteem. Stop looking out for what others have that you don't have. Rather look out for what you have that others don't.It enhances or improves your self worth.

Comparing yourself to others is one strong factor that results in inferiority complex.Instead of viewing from that angle or point where you feel they have achieved more or better than you let their success rather inspire or drive you to also work hard to become like them or even better than them.

Do not be moved by the looks of others or the assets they possess.Sometimes people choose to let you see what they want you to see. Showing you their fake lives and displaying assets they have probably borrowed and do not own and it results in you thinking low of yourself because you don't possess many of these things they showcase for you to see. Most of these people are victims of low self esteem and the sentiment of inferiority complex drives them to live such fake lives.

Always focus on the positivities and even in comparison focus on your strengths and uniqueness.You may feel someone looks prettier than you or richer than you but that person may lack that intelligence or skill you possess. Focus and use your abilities and inspiration to build your self worth to become the best of you and do not let your self worth become dependent on the approval of others or how you see other people.

Written By Ghanaian Model, Araba Sey

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