Monday, September 7, 2015


“Everything is Temporary” a mantra which has been a driving force behind Chelsea Kwakye’s desire to succeed.

Chelsea is the embodiment of consistency and dedication, aged 18, she is the proud recipient of an A* in History and English Literature and an A in Sociology. These impressive grades have earned her a much deserved place at the University of Cambridge, one of the best and reputable universities in the world.

The lead up to this achievement has been moulded through constant perseverance and a strong support system; citing the support of her family and the belief in self. It is by no doubt that she is a natural leader, a trait that earned her the position as an elected Head girl in college.

Outside of academia, Chelsea is also heavily involved in sports with a passion for netball and athletics. She is an all-rounder destined for greater things.
GUBA caught up with Chelsea Kwakye to find out more…..

Congratulations on your admission to Cambridge University? How do you feel about your achievement?

I am very grateful and I still cannot believe that I will be attending one of the best universities in the world. I am extremely proud of my achievements and ready for the hard work to begin. I received my results with my mother and seeing her reaction made me more proud of my achievements. Essentially, I don’t view my admission to Cambridge as ‘my’ achievement but rather as a whole family achievement.

Outside of Cambridge University’s reputation, what else attracted you to it?

The networking opportunities was a big attraction to me. It is often said that you meet your closest friends at university and it would be remarkable if some of my best friends were the best economists and politicians in the world!

It is very important to understand that there is so much more to Cambridge than the academic sphere. Above all, Cambridge is particularly staunch on tradition which I absolutely love! My parents are originally from Ghana and are also to a degree very traditional. It will be interesting to compare living in a very traditional African household to living in a very traditional British environment.

What will you be studying and what do you hope to achieve with your degree?

I will be studying History. The subject of History has always had a tendency to divide opinion and spark debate, something that has always engaged my family and I. It is for this reason that I find History meaningful and why I want to devote myself to studying it at university. Post-graduation, I aspire to be involved in humanitarian aid. The help provided by charitable organisations such as Amnesty International and the UN is something that has always appealed to me.

How do stay motivated?

I live by the mantra that ‘everything is temporary’. During exam period when things were really intense it was very difficult to stay motivated after an 11 hour revision session. However, whenever I am struggling I just remember the important things in my life. I have a loving and extremely solid family unit who are always on hand to help me out. If you’re going achieve something, do it to the best of your ability because life is too short for regrets!

What advice will you give to fellow students aspiring to enter similar universities?

It is completely fine to want to go to an Oxbridge standard university. Cambridge was never an option for me because I never thought that I was ‘worthy’ enough, let alone intelligent enough to be an undergraduate there. I would advise that they remove all the stereotypes and misconceptions and just go for it!

I realised that I was not only competing with people in my sixth form but from all around the world. At the opening evening, I was bluntly told by the admissions tutor that the only application forms that would be looked at, would be that of students predicted a minimum of A* and A.

As unusual as it may sound, grades are not a significant factor if everyone applying has the same potential. It is best to focus on what makes you different and to embrace it. Such universities do not look to churn out clones but rather individuals with their own unique abilities from ALL backgrounds.

What do you think about the GUBA Awards?

GUBA Awards is absolutely fantastic! There are many organisations that recognise black achievement which tends to focus on American culture, GUBA is completely different due to the fact that it glorifies and celebrates the achievements of Ghanaians. Africa is a beautiful continent and its culture should be embraced to the fullest, not subdued.

Organisations such as GUBA continue to reiterate the message that culture should be maintained and as descendants of our great ancestors we shouldn’t be ashamed for being that little bit different. Our voices are powerful, our clothes are vibrant and our food is flavoursome. GUBA has successfully integrated British culture along with our native culture which helps young people, such as myself, to assimilate into the upper echelons of society!

GUBA is exceptionally proud of this aspirational and dedicated young lady. Her drive and humility is one to be admired and we wish her the utmost best in her future endeavours. GUBA believes in importance of education and urges all pupils and students to strive for the best.

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