Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Celebrity Column : A Piece of Peace - “A Life Is A Sad Thing To Waste”

Hello and welcome to a Piece of Peace. Your weekly dose of inspiration and motivation. This week I would like to share on the topic “A Life is a sad thing to waste”.

Have you ever had one of those days where you desperately want to get something done, but no matter how hard you try it seems like your productivity is just not there? Well I was having one of those days earlier this week and so I decided to put on the TV, which I watch probably once every three months. As I was scrolling through, I came across a program on discovery discussing drug abuse in the entertainment industry.

The documentary was highlighting the number of celebrities that had lost their lives to this negative vice and why there was a trend of persistent drug use in the Industry. It really shocked me because I did not realise how many great celebrities and iconic talents had lost their lives due to drugs. My all time favourite Whitney Houston, Michael Jackson, Phillip Seymour Hoffman and so many others.

There were others who were also not dead, but they had lost all credibility and no longer had careers due to their use of drugs. It was really sad. It made me think, what is the point of achieving your potential and utilising your God given talents to reach extraordinary heights only to throw everything away when you get to the top?
There are so many of us who may not necessarily have a drug related problem, but may also be dealing with a different negative vice which is just as damaging or destructive. It is impossible to achieve anything great without going through trials and tribulations. But sometimes, the challenges we face on the way to success may lead us on a self-destructive path if we do not manage that success wisely.

Today I see a lot of young girls embarking on different journey’s in their lives with initially, pure dreams of success and somewhere along the way, they get sucked into the dark maze of negativity they encounter on the road to success. I’ve watched people with morals and sound principles, reject the lessons that have brought them to the point of success simply because it was no longer fashionable to be the only one in the room who is not smoking or sleeping their way to the next breakthrough.

I learned a valuable lesson from watching all those lost lives. Sometimes, you have to get out of your own way to find your purpose, because at the end of the day, all that matters in this brief vacation we take on earth is that we didn’t shrink into a corner and waste the days we were given seeking approval of other and doing what we have to do rather rising and taking the challenge of becoming all we were created to be! It might have been a touch couple of years but he will carry your through. Faith builders remember that time God showed up in your battle, he reclaimed what he created and announced you a winner! It’s time. Your dreams are waiting for you on the other side of your fear! Lets Go!

And remember, be yourself, because everyone else is taken.

Much Love,

Peace hyde.




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