Tuesday, May 19, 2015


“A Mother’s Love” Campaign initiated by Kristocrazygh to celebrate mothers for the wonderful support they have given us over the years, led them to knock on the doors of Rev. Dr. Joyce Aryee.  

The campaign which will run throughout the month of May saw its second official Mother’s Day presentation.

Astonished by the kind gesture, Rev. Joyce Aryee recalled where she started from:

 “Born 69 years ago, grew up with a single parent because my father died when I was young, blessed by God beyond measure, even though the beginning was difficult, so strong was my mother that she could do a lot of things.

My mum had a saying that I will never forget, she said we should be content with what we have. And that word contented in the bible is very important to God, when we are contended it brings us great gain. 

When I came to know Christ it brought me more understanding. None of us came without a purpose; and find that purpose to me is the most important thing. Many of us think we have to be somebody else and this is what seems to push people.”

She shared a word about the need to know ones purpose in life as the most important question we all should ask ourselves. There was a need for everybody to be driven by an ambition to excel at what we do. That is the ambition we should have. The ambition should not be I want to be a doctor but I want to be the best doctor there is ever was. I want to really impact people’s life, in my chosen profession.

Her message for all women:

For us women, we are the apple of God’s eye. And I say this because we are fearfully and wonderfully made. I think that God has given us the softer side of Him, Compassion, and the nurturing spirit. God has given us self-sacrificing.

We focus on the things we do not have, competing with men. Let’s not be competing with men.  We can do so much also to add value to life. So why should we compete with men, we should not compete with them. We should work to be the best in whatever chosen area.

Now society is learning that life is not just about men and their leadership.  It is gradually learning, just like God created that it takes both men and women to complete the human race. And we need to position ourselves to take up part of the leadership roles, not forgetting that it is not easy to do so whiles you are in the period of raising very young children.

So it is not always good to seek to be the youngest CEO of a bank when you’re only 25 or 30 years old, when you’re raising little children. If you can make it at 35 or 40, you’ve done it and you give it your best. What I’m saying is we have other roles as women so do not always seek as a woman to be the youngest CEO and then you struggle to be a mother, you struggle to be a wife, you feel guilty because you’re the CEO and everybody is talking about you but you know you’re not doing well at home.

You can balance it all very well if you learn to plan your life, if you learn to plan with your husband.  Ecclesiastes 3 says it all, there’s a time for everything because of year old baby will not remain a one year old forever, it will grow, so let’s say you are 30 years when you give birth, by 35 the baby will also be 5 years old and does not need you as much as when it is a year old. So we need to plan our lives well.

If you want to be married and have children then we need to plan our lives around those periods in our lives when attention needs to be devoted to children. We need to build our relationship too with our husbands, because the children will grow up and will leave home. If you haven’t built your relationship with your partner or spouse, what are going to do when then the children are gone.

What started you off is what you come back to. What started you off is the love you had for each other, which led to even get married in the first place. The children came through as a blessing and you need to take care of them for God.

You can have the best of both worlds if you learn to plan well, communicate well with your husband. Live to raise Godly children, eventually you will find out you will like to be the top of your career and you will enjoy it because you are not destructed by little children.     

So let’s go out there and be the best women. We are the best God created and we should stick to be so, not in competition with men, but together with the men we will do it.”

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