Thursday, February 19, 2015

Tedx Accra Speakers: Meet Youngest Speaker, Elizabeth Kanburi Bidzakin

Elizabeth Kanburi Bidzakin is a blogger and the founder of The Mind Shift Foundation, a foundation which seeks to empower young persons from conflict prone areas through a Community Enabled Mentorship program.

Her work as a blogger reveals her enthusiasm about how social media can be used as a catalyst for development. She is currently pursuing her first degree in law at the GIMPA Law Faculty.

She is also a research analyst with Promobile Ghana. Elizabeth is an ardent reader and believes that, the greatest assert we all have is our minds and what the eye of our imagination can do.

She believes we have the power to change our reality through dent of hard work and perseverance in any field we find ourselves. She loves the arts and spending time with loved ones.

Why you should listen to her talk: Ghana is among many African countries faced with the challenge of controlling pockets of internal civil conflict. Every year a lot of lives are lost, homes and hopes are shattered, with an alarming rate of rising poverty and political reputational costs.

This poses challenges to the youth in such areas and curtails their ability to rise above the odds. Overall it deflects the ratio of national development to personal growth of citizens affected. My long term goal is to create a new crop of developmental thinkers who will curb it totally through tailor-made social media solutions and mentoring.

Elizabeth on Social Media:




Tedx Accra is schduled for the 11th of April, 2015 at the National Theather, Accra.

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