Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Piece Of Peace: Something For The Beautiful Single Faith Builders Out there

Welcome to a piece of Peace, your weekly dose of motivation and inspiration. Today I would like to talk to all the beautiful single faith builders out there. 

In a month where there seems to be a lot of excitement about being in relationships, I know there are moments where you will feel really alone. You want that perfect mate to be cuddling you, connecting with you, sharing your dreams, your fears and your aspirations.

Don’t allow those feelings to dictate the decisions you make regarding your love life.

When you meet someone that you believe has the potential to be a partner, you fall in love with their charisma without realising that what you have fallen for will require you to live with their actual character. It’s very rare for you to meet a person that will change purely because you want them to.

So make sure when you are selecting whom you want to get in a relationship with, they are exactly the person God has placed in your life. Because the wrong partner can set you up for failure and invariably put a major detour in the plan of God for your life. So it is important that you use wisdom.

One wrong relationship has the ability to transform your entire destiny. Look at the story of Samson and Delilah as your proof. As much as love is a beautiful thing be careful who you get involved with.

 Because if you have the ability to love the wrong person so much that it can change your life, imagine how much more love you can give to that right person? Stop chasing what your mind wants and you will eventually get what your soul needs.

Some of us have experienced the mistake of failed relationships and for some of us we are currently still in them. This piece of peace is by no means telling you to not work to make a good relationship great. But it is important that before you get into a relationship you consider very carefully if this is the right person to get into a relationship with.

However for those of you who are already in a relationship, it doesn’t mean that you should give up on someone because the situation is not ideal. Great relationships are not great because they have no problems; they are great because people care enough about each other to find a way of making it work. Please note that making it work does not mean changing your partners character. Only God can.

Do not approach a new relationship as if it is a “project”. You deserve a whole healthy God-fearing loving mate. Wait on them.  Because at your best you will never be good enough for the wrong person, and at your worst you will still be worth it for the right person. God wrote your love story, wait and let him read it to you. And in the mean time focus on being yourself because everyone else is taken.

Much love,

Peace Hyde.




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