Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Touch Not My Anointed!!! Lydia Forson ‘Apologizes’ To Duncan Williams

Earlier today, actress Lydia Forson responded to Archbishop Duncan Williams’ statement on the role of women in marriage in a post on her Facebook page.  

Few hours later, she has written an apology letter to the Man of God.

Read the reply letter HERE and the apology letter below:

Letter Of Apology

I apologize for touching your anointed. I apologize for being offended by his statement. I apologize for making a joke out of it, in fact I apologize for not writing a more serious piece on how his statement really made me feel.

I apologize for not giving bible references to all the great women in the bible who God used to do wonders even though they were “unmarried” and had no children.

I apologize that I didn’t talk about my mother, who is unmarried, and yet I value from the bottom of my heart.

I apologize for not talking about how the same bible is strongly against divorce, and how one sin is no greater or less than another.

I apologize for not adding that we are all sinners before God, and are prone to mess up sometimes. Even men of God. Yet God still loves us as we are.

I apologize for not recognizing that I’m not allowed to have an opinion where a man of God is concerned.

I apologize for not accepting that it’s ok for a man of God to use sexual references to address people, but I don’t have the power to do the same.

But above all I apologize on behalf of my father Rev.Dr.M.K Forson, for raising me to have an opinion.

From my heart I apologize.

Did I miss anything?

Oh yes and I apologize for any future statements I may make.

I’m sorry.

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