Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Meet Anumaa; The Ghanaian Musician Behind The Mask

Just like Narcissister and a few musicians around the world whose identities are yet to be disclosed and seen either on stage during live or recorded shows, Ghanaian born Canada based musician Anumaa is yet to be seen around without a mask.

A personality that has got many talking and wondering who could be behind the mask, Anumaa is gradually becoming a household name especially among the Ghanaian community in Europe and America as his personality is compared to none.

In an attempt to really find out more about the mystery man behind the mask and his decision to remain anonymous in an industry that somehow thrives on “known faces”, we reached out to Anumaa from his base.

Speaking to us, Anumaa explained his decision to remain anonymous does not go beyond showbiz like other reports suggest although masks are part of traditional African art and culture.

“There are several artists out here but I guess you easily made me out because I wear masks (laughs). Wearing masks make me easily identified and it’s a part of my culture as an African. People feel I can’t be identified and I somehow understand them but this is how you make me out of the lot”, he said.

Asked if he wore the masks all the time or only for showbiz purposes, the musician disclosed he wore it anytime he found the need.

As much as we would that Anumaa will perhaps reveal a little about his family and close associations, the artist will not budge as he believes there would be no need appearing in masks if his family could be easily traced.

“A larger percentage of my own family and my friends do not even know I am the mystery man behind the mask they see perform so I understand your curiosity to find out more about me”, he stated in a funny way.

Although born by Ghanaian parents it is surprising how Anumaa associates with the long history of Jews who hide their true selves behind metaphorical “masks” during performances.

With his latest single, Yoryi enjoying massive airplay and a video almost ready for TV, Anumaa promises to deliver exceptionally well as his identity already makes him outstanding.

The new song talks about the need to uphold and honour our own than to copy from the Western world without necessarily understanding the ideas behind what they do.

He makes reference to Osibisa, Terry Bonchaka, Reggie Rockstone, Ex Doe and the need to pay much attention and respect to these pioneers. Get updated by liking his page here https://www.facebook.com/pages/Anumaa/1444270732527513?fref=ts.

The question that however remains is, would anyone be able to make Anumaa out?

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