Thursday, June 12, 2014


Welcome to your regular dose of ‘A PIECE OF PEACE’! I believe we are all born to be great in our own way, and life is a journey laced with a series of lessons to enable you to unlock your inner greatness!

So stayed tuned for a personal insight on tips, information and advice aimed to inspire and motivate that I am discovering as I embark on my journey to unlocking my inner greatness. I hope it helps you as it is helping me!

Today I would like to share on the topic: PERSISTENCE BEATS RESISTANCE

En route to achieving your goals in life, you do not encounter just one set back. I wish it was that simple guys but it’s really not! Unfortunately, you will encounter a whole host of setbacks and disappointments.

And at the point where you think things cannot possibly get any worse, guess what happens? They invariably do! There is a reason why only a few people make it to the top. Not all of us have what it takes to keep pushing forward no matter what life throws our way.

And that is the simple truth. Life happens, challenges will be faced and disappointments will be encountered.
The way we cope with these setbacks however will determine what the next stage of our journey will be. Do not give up on your dreams before they are realised. Take a good look at all those inspirational success stories you admire and look up to. They were all once in your position, feeling the same levels of frustration and hurt you feel today.

But look at where they are now? No one said the journey to success was an easy one. It is one that is trodden by only those who have the ability to see a mountain as a stepping stone and not a barrier.
Your perspective is key during low times. You can either see a negative situation as a road block or you can see it as a challenge that you can overcome.

You have what it takes to make your dream come true. Life will not stop happening just because you have a dream. Setbacks will come, go and come again. You need to be resilient in the face of every adversity you go through and determine to never give in or give up on what matters to you the most. You are much more capable and stronger than any obstacle that has been placed in your journey to success. Persistence is key in moving through these obstacles.

It gives you the focus and determination you need to lift you up when everything seems gloomy around you. It teaches you to hold on for that better day when everything you are experiencing today will be a memory that has been safely locked away in your experience vault.

You need this trait for success. The journey can sometimes be hard especially when you are just starting out, but your dream has been awarded to you by God because you are the best person to achieve it and live it.

Determine today that failure is not an option and your persistence will beat any resistance in your life today.

Be yourself, everyone else is taken.

Peace Hyde.

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