Thursday, May 8, 2014


As part of activities to celebrate the 2014 Regional Integration Month in May this year, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration in collaboration with Blaqsheep Multimedia Group would organize the first ever Model ECOWAS Summit at the Accra International Conference Centre (AICC) on Wednesday, 21st May, 2014 from 9:00am to 5:00pm

The objective or purpose of the Model ECOWAS Summit,  is to

•    Enhance the policy of transforming ECOWAS from ECOWAS of states’ to ECOWAS of people.

•    Increase awareness of the role, institutions and performance of ECOWAS.

•    Highlight key economic integration challenges facing the sub-region particularly in the areas of industry, transport, agriculture, natural resources, monetary and financial matters and how these economic areas can create sustainable jobs for the youth.

•    Challenge the youth to develop the desire for creativity, innovation and self-discovery to help improve the quality of their lives.

•    Inculcate in the youth a strong sense of self-reliance, patriotism and nationalism.
The summit is  a gathering of youth from ECOWAS member states and will follow the format of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Heads of States and Government gathering and shall simulate what the ECOWAS Commission does.

The Summit is a high level research based program  and at  the end of the summit, participates are expected to gain the following key transferable skills which will improve their problem solving and negotiating skills: Leadership potential/ability, Diplomacy, team work and adaptable “Can do” attitude, Analytical and conceptual skills, Problem solving skills, Creativity/innovation, Strong communication skills (verbal and written), Strong interpersonal skills, Strategic thinking etc.

Participants includes youth people from ECOWAS member states, Professional organizations, Non-governmental organizations,  student associations etc from across Africa and ECOWAS member states.

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