Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Chomzy Emerges As The First Female HOH In BBNaija Level Up

It’s week five of Big Brother Naija and similar to previous weeks, all housemates except the incumbent Head of House, were eligible to participate. Unlike previous weeks, however, the winner of the games and eventual HoH would have immunity from eviction for only themselves and whoever they nominate as deputy.

The first game was played in two rounds. For the first round, the female and male housemates participated separately. The top two female and male housemates from the first game would qualify for the next challenge which meant game 2 would feature 4 housemates (2 females and 2 males).

Before proceeding to the games, Big Brother had Phyna in the spotlight and asked if she completed her punishment as last week’s Tail of House. Sadly, she didn't and this automatically disqualified her from participating in the games. Biggie also declared her the Tail of House for the new week.

With Phyna’s punishments meted out, Biggie then asked the eligible female participants to take their stand behind the stools with their name tags. Each stool had a bowl containing 20 donkwa and the challenge was to move one donkwa at a time with their mouth to an empty plate on the other side of the arena within one minute. Damaged, chipped or broken donkwa would not be counted as part of the score.

At no point were they allowed to use their hands to touch the donkwa except to lift the bowl. The top two participants with the highest number of donkwa would move to the next challenge.

The first game among the ladies began at the sound of the buzzer and after a minute they were asked to stop. Eloswag was called to count each female’s donkwa and at the end of the count, Daniella and Chomzy drew with 13 donkwas on their plate.

Next up were the male housemates with the same rules applying. After a minute of moving the donkwa with their mouths, Eloswag once again was asked to count each male participant’s donkwa. Bryann and Giddyfia emerged as the male winners of the first round with 16 and 15 Donkwas respectively.

After some tense moments, Biggie disqualified Daniella and all the male housemates from participating in the next challenge for carrying more than one Donkwa at a time.

Due to these disqualifications, Chomzy and Bella, who came third, were the only qualified housemates to proceed to the next round. For the second challenge, each lady was provided with a test tube containing multi-coloured candy on one end of the table.

Timed at five minutes, the challenge was to recreate the exact arrangement of the coloured candy in an empty test tube using a picker. The first lady to successfully recreate the test tube was to indicate by shouting ‘Head of House’ to emerge the winner. However, shouting HOH with the wrong colour combo would lead to automatic disqualification.

After some minutes of recreating the new test tube, Bella was the first to indicate she had completed the task and once again, Eloswag was asked by Biggie to confirm her arrangement. Unfortunately, she got the arrangement wrong, and Chomzy was declared the winner and first female Head of House for season 7.

As the new Head of House, she is exempted from the next HOH games and immune from eviction. Also, the HOH bedroom is available to her for use. After listing out her rewards, Biggie then asked her to select a companion of the opposite gender to share the room with and she chose Eloswag. As a companion to HOH, Eloswag is also immune from this week’s eviction.

As part of her reward as the week’s Tail of the House, Phyna is required to keep quiet when she hears the TOH sound and was given a writing tab as her tool of communication when she is required to be mute.

In a new twist, Big Brother asked each housemate to nominate two people for eviction. Although fake, the housemates with the most nominations are Chi Chi and Adekunle. They were both nominated four and five times respectively.

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