Sunday, August 5, 2018

Watch & Dine Cinema In Kumasi Partners With Zylofon Arts Fund

Friday 3rd of August, 2018 saw the birth of the partnership between Zylofon Arts Fund (ZAF) and Watch & Dine Cinema at the Kumasi Mall.

The Ghanaian film industry is one that has the capacity to contribute meaningfully to the economy of Ghana and change the narrative of the culture of Ghanaians both home and abroad.

Unfortunately, the Ghana film industry has commercially experienced a downward trend for the past 10 years as such, industry experts and practitioners have yearned for an upward improvement but to no avail.

Zylofon Arts Fun, a subsidiary of Zylofon Group and an NGO, have for the past 4 months invested heavily into the film industry to experience the advent of a booming Ghanaian film industry and the spirit of cinemas.

Indeed, the ZAF Board has been working tirelessly to revamp the Creative Arts Industry by creating jobs and providing the enabling environment and build the required structures to let our Film Producers produce quality movies to market, distribute and sell to generate decent revenues to bring the industry back on track.

As a result of this, ZAF has strategically partnered Watch and Dine Cinema in Kumasi, to come together and support the film Producers to premiere their movies and make a good income. Secondly, a mutual agreement has been reached between these two (2) indigenous Ghanaian companies to build an indigenous national cinema network across the regional capitals.

The agreement therefore is; 40% Revenue share to Watch & Dine Cinemas and 60% Revenue share to Ghana Film Producers.

Watch & Dine Cinema is an indigenous Ghanaian first world-class cinema. The cinema has four executive state-of-the-art movie theatres, all fitted with deluxe furnishing and superior acoustics and image projection. It’s surrounded sounds at the cinema halls are par excellence.

The Watch and Dine Cinema concept is an outright novelty worldwide and features a delightful fusion of the comfort and cosiness of a plush movie theatre, with the pleasure of nourishment derived from a top-notch restaurant or eatery.


Watch and Dine Cinema is headed by Mr Kwabena Obeng (An Entrepreneur, Chairman & CEO of Watch-and-Dine Cinema) and Mr Osei Agyemang-Duah Managing Director).

Mr Kwabena Obeng is a Ghanaian entrepreneur and philanthropist who has the Creative Arts Industry at heart. He has so far invested heavily in the Ghanaian Cinema and Music space. With this passion and partnership with Zylofon Arts Fund, the film industry will soon witness a proliferation of an indigenous national network of cinemas, to revive the cinema culture in Ghanaians.

Historically, the partnership has seen the birth of the first Ghanaian cinema to cut down their prices to film Producers and help lift the ailing film industry.

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