Wednesday, June 1, 2016


Radio Broadcast Journalist, Sales & Marketing practitioner and Ghana’s Tourism Ambassador will honour a musical icon Agya Koo Nimo on Wednesday 1st June 2016 in the studios of Okay Fm. 

The event will ensue with an exclusive interview with the legend KOO NIMO'S music is a pulsating mix of melodious and intoxicating guitar patterns, harmonious vocals, and mesmerizing percussion. 

He brings to life the meaning of the Sankofa image, a symbolic bird of the Asante people of Ghana, looking backwards with one foot forward to the future. 

“Always and elegantly draped in the traditional Akan cloth, Agya Koo Nimo sings lyrics imbued with Asante wisdom, sprinkled with the spicy proverbs that are so crucial to a West African audience. Koo Nimo has been performing for over 40 years across the world. 

He was president of the Ghana musicians union for 10 years, and received the Grand Medal for Lifetime Service to Ghana from the head of state. He has been an inspiration to younger generations of Ghanaian musicians through the force of his personality and creative musicality”. 

He is set to release his autobiography in September title “SIX STRING AND A NOTE” and details will be communicated to the general public in due course “All I have is my culture and my song and I have to do my best for the sake of my generation who will be listening after I am long gone”- KOO NIMO.

We entreat the general public to tune in to OKAY 101.7 FM and also contribute and send questions through whatsapp number +233243409393 and follow the conversation on social media @AbeikuSantana @DriveOnOkayfm #KooNIMOonOKAYFM 

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