Monday, May 30, 2016


The Golden Movie Awards seeks to honor outstanding achievement in the African television, and film industries and is administered by the expert in the film & Television industry on the African continent .The event will be managed and organized by NMJ GHANA,


The selection committee shall be made up of key industry players and non-industry players With the exception of the Grand Jury, the Members of the selection committee shall be kept secret to forestall lobbying and all forms of malpractices.

Any member of the committee who reveals his/her status in the selection and nomination committee shall be relieved of the position if there is empirical evidence to support allegation.

Categorization : Golden Actor/Actress 

Best performance by an Actor or Actress in a Leading Role is presented in recognition of an actor/actress who has delivered an outstanding performance in a Movie//Short Film role for the period under consideration. 

No single movie shall have both female and male leads; if the male is the lead, the female role would be considered as a Supporting Role and vice versa, except if the Grand Jury votes otherwise. No actor/actress can be nominated from more than one movie role in this category.

Golden Supporting Actor/Actress

Best performance by an Actor or Actress in a Supporting Role is presented in recognition of an actor/actress who has delivered an outstanding performance in a supporting movie/Short Film role for the period under consideration. A Supporting Role must be connected to the lead character or have a significant impact on the story of the movie. In movies with more than one supporting roles, individual actors will not be nominated as a group but compete against each other based on their individual performances. No actor/actress can be nominated from more than one movie role in this category.

Golden Cinematography

Best Cinematography is awarded to a cinematographer for work in one particular movie/TV series/Short Film.  The cinematographer is the individual who photographed with a motion picture camera and is responsible for achieving artistic and technical decisions related to the images in a movie. The winner for Best Cinematography is the movie/TV series/Short Film with the most outstanding photography, the most effective use of light, appropriate and relevant camera shots etc.

Golden Costume/Wardrobe

The Award for Best Costume Design is given out for the best achievement of film costume design for a particular movie/TV series/Short Film. Costumes must be appropriate for the settings, roles, characters and theme of the movie. Films which are eligible for the award must meet a series of criteria, including the requirement that the costumes must have been “conceived” by a costume designer, and/or with supporting wardrobe selected from other sources.

Golden Director

The Award for Directing (Best Director) is to the director of the movie that reflects the most outstanding technical and artistic performance; showing creative and coherent ways to tell the story with pictures, sounds etc. who working in the motion picture industry.  Only one individual may claim screen credit as a film’s director. This rule is designed to prevent rights and ownership issues and to eliminate lobbying for director credit by producers and actors. However, the Jury may create an exception to this “one director per film” rule if two co-directors seeking to share director credit for a film qualify as an “established duo”.

Golden Editor

The Award for Film Editing is closely correlated with the Award for Best Picture and it is given to the editor of the movie with the best use of scenes and effects to tell a flowery and coherent story. Only the principal, “above the line” editor(s) as listed in the film’s credits are named on the award; additional editors, supervising editors, etc. are not generally eligible.

Golden Makeup

The Award for Best Makeup & Styling is given to the best achievement in makeup and styling for a film. Makeup and styling must enhance physical attributes of characters and must be appropriate for scenes, setting and overall feel of the movie.

Golden Sound Track (Original)

The Award for Original Score is presented to the best substantial body of music in the form of dramatic underscoring written specifically for the film by the submitting composer or adopted for the movie. The performers of a song are not credited with the Award unless they contributed either to music, lyrics or both in their own right.

Golden Movie (Best Picture)

The Award for Best Picture is presented to artist who produced the most outstanding movie of the year.  The Award is considered the most important of the Awards of the GMAA as it is the Final award presented, and represents all the directing, acting, and writing efforts put forth for a film.

Golden Editor (Sound)

The Award for Best Sound Editing is granted to a film exhibiting the finest or most aesthetic sound editing or sound design. The award goes to the movie/TV series/Short Film that showed the best interaction between sounds, effects it its appropriateness for scenes and the overall story. The award goes to the person in charge of working and mixing the sound in the studio, including sound effects, sound collected from locations or set among others.

Golden Editor (Video)

The Award for Best Visual Effects is given to the movie that exhibited the most creative and believable visual effects. The award is based on consideration of the contribution the visual effects make to the overall production and the artistry, skill and fidelity with which the visual illusions are achieved.

Golden Story (Screenplay)

The Award for Writing Adapted Screenplay or Original screenplay is given to the movie with the best story, best interplay and linking of scenes and overall narration of story. It is awarded to the writer of a screenplay adapted from another source (usually a novel, play, short story, or TV show but also sometimes another film); or for the best script not based upon previously published material. All sequels are automatically considered adaptations by this standard since the sequel must be based on the original story.

Golden Discovery

The Award for discovery of the year goes to the new actor who distinguished him or herself in a breakthrough role. The role must be seen to have had a visible impact on his/her career, opening opportunities for him/her to receive other roles.
Golden Promising.

The Award for Golden Most Promising is given to a new/ existing actor who distinguished him or herself in a breakthrough role on the continent and has potential if given bigger roles in films.

Favourite Actor/Actress

The Award for Favourite actor is a public voting category with 100% power given to the public. This category has got everything to do with how popular an Actor or Actress is on the African continent.

Golden TV Series

The Awards for Best TV series and Best Actor/ Actress in a TV series are people’s choice awards voted by the public from a list of nominees.

Golden Actor/Actress (TV Series)

Best performance by an Actor or Actress in a Role in a TV Series is presented in recognition of an actor/actress who has delivered an outstanding performance in a series role for the period under consideration.

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