Thursday, January 14, 2016

Guest Feature Blog : Cristiane Nana Aba Amanpour?

There is absolutely nothing wrong with Nana Aba Anamoah’s question posed to President Mahama at yesterday’s press event inna di Flag Staff House. She asked what her intelligence permitted and could afford.

She is not called ‘Cristiane Nana Aba Anamoah Amanpour’. She is our Nana Aba. #whatelse

I think the problem is with the ‘where’ she asked the question.

The occasion required that persons who were invited prioritized pressing subjects that their years of practice as senior media men had informed them as issues the populace would rather know of the Presidency and leadership of Government.

Being a President of any nation, especially this Ghana, is a big deal.

It is not expected of you to eat Jollof, drink sobolo and sleep soundly.

You are supposed to be the biggest donor of time,sweat and blood in our quest to improve in all facets of life. All of our problems are our president’s own.

That is why he or she swears an oath to make sure it is binding.

It is inexcusable that Nana Aba would forget this. Or photoshop her way out of that bit of a presidential responsibility.

I would personally expect anybody of her stature and exposure to have in the very minimum, and considering her obvious dearth of knowledge in for instance, Atomic Energy or Afforestation, ask a relatively sensible question about the state of our concert party and its rumored resurgence.

Or even about the state of the vegetable farm in front of the Ghana Broadcasting Corporation(GBC).

If the idea was to come across as being a different thinker, considering she had to be in a queue which provided ample time to think and rethink before it got to her turn to ask her question,then she achieved her aim.

But if she hoped to seem to Ghanaians as a born again(literally) and knowledgeable senior media practitioner, I wasn’t convinced.

I think that’s where her consolation should be; that I, Kwame Agyemang Berko wasn’t sold and consider her question a total waste of efforts. Maybe we should be grateful. Maybe it could have been worse.

Maybe Nana Aba went on the ticket of the Creative Arts sector which harbors all manner of characters including errrrmmm. . . .

Maybe she mistook the event for a concert party event considering the round of applause that greeted every joke of response that came to questions asked?

Or maybe we should blame the  one who paid the piper. . . .

#stillwerise - Kwame Agyemang Berko (Poet. Essayist. Humorist.)

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