Wednesday, January 13, 2016

I Don’t Drink Nor Smoke – Television Presenter Jason

He is relatively new when it comes to mounting a stage as a presenter and controlling the crowd but television, musician cum radio presenter Jason El-A’s energy and microphone prowess cannot go unnoticed when he gets on stage.

His control over the Queen’s language and the crowd especially the girls are second to none as an upcoming presenter, an act many attribute to the use of drugs or alcohol.

To hear from the horse’s own mouth, caught up with him to satisfy the curiosity of his fans.

In an interview with him, the cool young man said “I don’t smoke, I’m not on drugs, for drinking alcohol, yes I do but occasionally. It is not something I will just wake up and say I am going to get. What I do on stage is just my passion. I love what I do, it is something I have always wanted to and for me giving your best shot in anything you find yourself doing is the best.

“You may never know who is watching. I appreciate what I do and I appreciate the fact that I get opportunities to do what I love to do. The only thing I take before I get on stage is water,” he said.

The half Lebanese and half Ghanaian disclosed further that, though society sees guys who have pierced ears as bad, he is different.

He said; “I am not a bad guy, yes I have pierced my ears and it is strictly because of fashion, I think they are fashionable and that is why I have it there. As to what people think about me, there is little I can do about it.”

According to the Vim singer, he started his radio and television journey two years ago.

He described the experience so far as one of its kind, adding that his best is yet to come.

As to what principle drives him in life as his exit words, he adds; “ whatever you find doing, do it well, you may not know what the future has for you, give your best shot and let God do the rest plus never forget or let down those who gave you the opportunity or opens doors for you.”

Jason is a presenter on GhOneTV and Live FM. He is the co-host on LIVE 91.9Fm’s Young, Wild and Free (YWNF).

His energy on stage as an MC won him Most Influential Student MC at the just ended Tertiary Awards held at the National Theatre of Ghana.

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