Monday, August 24, 2015

Open Letter To ‘History In The Making’ Sarkodie

One thing I have continually said whenever I write about you and I will continue to say is that, the brand Sarkodie is a success story.

In a very short period of time, you have managed to acquire a lot in terms of monetary gains and awards that majority of your competitors only yearn and dream of.

Also, I have repeatedly said that, looking at the success of your brand, it’s high time, you and your management employ a publicist to do what a publicist needs to do in projecting a rapper of your calibre in the media.

Listen, you may have become prominent despite ignoring centain things but it doesn’t mean that now that you are big, you should continue to ignore those things.

A publicist is a person whose job it is to generate and manage publicity for a public figure, especially a celebrity, a business, or for a work such as a book, film or album.

I remember in June 2014, in faraway Mauritius, I had a very hearty and friendly conversation with you concerning the music industry in Ghana when our paths crossed during the content showcase by MultiChoice Africa.

Also present during the discussion was your girlfriend and Obed Boafo, another media personnel.

One thing worth remembering from that was your constant comparison of the media in Ghana to that of Nigeria. I couldn’t help but just smile as you told us how the Nigerian media projects anything Nigerian whether good or not and the Ghanaian media not doing the same.

Even though, I share in the sentiments, by far, have benefited from the Ghanaian media than any other Ghanaian musician/rapper in recent times, you still feel that, the Nigerian media is ahead in terms of promoting their musicians.

That culminated in you releasing the Free Press song to register your displeasure. I share in some of the things you spoke about and equally I thought some were outright baloney.

I, however admire that about you because that makes you who you are and nobody can not take that from you. However, I still feel and believe that, there are a lot of things that, Nigerian musicians are doing that; you are not doing.

For the sake of this letter, let’s talk about a publicist, which you do not have but most Nigerian musicians you compare yourself to have.

Before I’m misconstrued, this piece is not about who is the best in whatever field. It is not actually my business.

From what I gathered from the conversation, what you and almost all the musicians lack is a publicist to liaise with the various media platforms to project your music and brands.

Ghana and the world know you have a bodyguard but what they do not know is that, you do not have a publicist. How did I know this? I worked as a publicist for your first ever show, the Sarkodie Rapperholic Live In Concert organised by Event Factory at the Dome of the Accra International Conference Centre under the tutelage of Nabil Alhassan.

Now, I am writing this letter to once again trumpet what I have continually made noise about and also give you reasons why I think that its high time that, a brand like Sarkodie can get it right with a publicist and not solely relying on your tweets to generate news on his behalf.
History in the making concert

Yes, controversy sells but how much and for how long? You may think that, it’s not every controversy that needs to be addressed but the concert dubbed History In The Making organised by TM Entertainmentz and headlined by you at The Apollo Theatre in New York, United States of America on Saturday August 8, 2015 sparked unnecessary controversy.

You were joined by other Ghanaian and Nigerian hit makers to rock New York City’s biggest hall in Harlem.

According to the information picked up on the website of The Apollo Theatre, the concert was the second installation of the History In the Making which you led as headliner.

Comments by former rapper of the defunct Hiplife duo, Akyeame, Quophi Okyeame that you were distorting history by the tagline History In The Making should not have been left to go unanswered.

At least, no one can fault Quophi Okyeame for thinking that you were distorting his group’s history and needed to set the records straight.

I do not think you meant to distort any history as the History In The Making was the tagline for the concert and not to say that you were making history by performing there.

The intent of the History In The Making is not known by the ordinary person but clearly we knew you were not claiming to be the first Ghanaian musician for that matter rapper to ever perform at The Apollo Theatre?

Why was the record not set straight away with a release?

Look son, some things need to be addressed and addressed well and that was a perfect example.
Who organised the show?

Perhaps who organised a show and who performed or headlined it doesn’t really matter but it’s always important for a successful brand like yours to be known for something and also be ready to educate your teeming fans should they feel misinformed about things concerning you.

You may think that, who ever organised the show is not significant but to a very large extent, it is.

The controversy concerning who really organised the show brought confusion among some Ghanaians. Highlife legend, Rex Omar was as confused as anyone in the whole controversy.

In a chat with YFM about the show, he said, “I’m very proud of him, sometimes I wonder why some Ghanaians say or do what they do.

This is the first time a young Ghanaian artiste has organised a concert on his own at the Apollo Theatre in America and the place was packed.

“Why can’t we say he has done well? I heard people saying “He didn’t make any history and he didn’t do it first. And so what? He has done it. A Ghanaian has done it and that means it’s possible. Nobody has done it before. He organised the show himself. Sarkodie!

Honestly speaking, I’m proud of him and if Ghanaians will support our own, that’s the way forward. Let support our own and move forward.”

Also, according to The Apollo Theatre website, the show was put together by TM Entertainmentz. There was no statement that it was a joint collaboration between you and TM Entertainmentz.

Rex Omar wasn’t the only one who thought you organised the show. Many Ghanaians thought the same. The question is, did you organise the show? Your fans needed to have known this from the very day the controversy started.

The show you headlined at The Apollo Theatre has underlined why you need to attach strong importance to a publicist in your camp.

All over the world, using Nigeria as an example, most of the growing brands have publicists and it will be to your advantage to acquire the services of one.

Source: Ebenezer Anangfio/Graphic Showbiz

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