Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Celebrity Column : A Piece Of Peace - "STOP COMPARING. START DECLARING"

Hello and welcome to a piece of Peace, your weekly dose of motivation and inspiration. This week I would like to share on the topic of “Stop comparing. Start Declaring.”

This week I had a conversation with a young student who shared with me some challenges he was going through. He was downtrodden because he did not know how he was going to pay his tuition fees for the next semester. His uncle who has been taking care of him for the past year had decided not to do so anymore. He told me he felt like God was unfair.

He looks around at some of his rich classmates and they seem to have life handed to them on a silver platter unlike him who had to work ten times harder to make a little bit of progress. His comparison with his classmates seemed to make him even more bitter because, “they are not even half as clever as I am but they get the chance to finish university simply because God decided to give them a rich family and not me,” said the young student.

Sometimes when we are going through difficulties, it is easy to compare our situation with others, questioning why God has decided to put us through trials and given others an easy pass.

I know I have had moments where I felt God had abandoned me also. Over time, I have learnt that, at every low point he was always there to give a helping hand. This week I would like to share a brief word of encouragement for anyone out there going through a setback or difficult patch in your life. Stop magnifying your mountains and start telling your mountains how big your God is. Everyone is primarily one or the other.

How often do we lay blame to our circumstances? I know I do. When we take responsibility for creating our lives we produce greater results than remaining in that negative place. Life does not always go the way we may want it to go and that cannot be controlled. We only have the power to choose how we react and respond to things that happen.

The more we lean into the downward spiral of negativity, the more we attract that into our lives. The more we choose positively the more we attract positive things into our lives. Today declare words of blessings over your life. You are a person of destiny. You are equipped. You are loved. Chosen and accepted by almighty God. There is nothing you can do to make him love you less. His grace is sufficient for you. His angels have charge over you.

You are blessed coming in and blessed going out. Shake that negative, critical spirit off you! If you have a pulse, God has a plan. He will always soothe your troubled mind. From grace we get our calling. When you are led by grace declare it and see it manifest in your life. And always remember, be yourself because everyone else is taken.

Much Love,

Peace Hyde.

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