Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Why Okyeame Kwame Didn’t Strip For The Ladies As Promised At “STRIPPED” Concert

Before the “Okyeame Kwame Stripped” Show came off over the weekend, we were promised so many things by the Rap Dacta, and I think he kept his word. First, he said the show was going to be intimate; and without doubt, he delivered.

Then there was the talk of exciting performances which was also delivered in a dosage I least expected-superb!! Really superb!!

Question and Answers-check, video premiere-check, Comedy- check, music request-check, he didn’t mention free Menthos Pure Fresh but I got one-so double check, and um what else? Stripping-chec……..hold on a second!! Now that’s what didn’t happen at +233 Jazz Bar last Friday. Okyeame Kwame didn’t strip for the ladies as promised.

The deal before the show was, for every question asked by a lady, Mr. Versatile would take something he was wearing off till he was stripped naked. To be frank, BRA Kwame looked ready to do it. At a point in time, when the questions started popping in, he took off his 24/7 tuxedo and even pulled of his Utama bow tie. But I guess he reconsidered going further with the strip when he realized it was the GUYS who were asking all the questions.

Being a guy, I wasn’t at the show to watch Okyeame Kwame get naked; NEVER. But the ladies? That was their moment, and they disappointed me a little.  They just couldn’t ask O.K to strip and I’ve been wondering why.

Could it be that they were so coy and respected Kwame so much to ask him to undress, or it was just a case of them not wanting to see Okyeame Kwame’s slim macho? They might have probably seen muscles bigger than the Rap Dacta’s, and wanted to admire six packs; not the one pack Okyeame probably has.

If that was the case, then O.K, you need to hit the gym more. The ladies could have also backed down because they felt Okyeame Kwame would not be bold enough to strip? It could be!!

Or they just deciphered the word “STRIPPED”, in its metaphoric sense an interpreted it to be stripping him off his brand, ego, swag, and style.

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