Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Noble Nketsiah’s ‘Save The Child’ Concert February 14th

‘Save the Child’ is the theme song for the ‘First 1,000 Days of the Child’ Campaign, which is powered by Noble Nketsiah’s label, Showbiz Africa and The Ghana Coalition of Civil Society for Scaling Up Nutrition (GHACCSSUN).

SAVE THE CHILD (1st 1,000 Days of the Child) CAMPAIGN will be officially launched as part of ‘The Greatest Love Concert… with Noble & Friends”, scheduled for the National Theater on Valentine’s Day, February 14th, 2014.

‘The First 1,000 Days of the Child’ campaign promotes targeted action and investment to improve nutrition for mothers and children in the first 1,000 days; that’s between a woman’s pregnancy and her child’s second birthday when better nutrition can have a life-changing impact on a child’s future and help break the cycle of poverty.

For more info hit Facebook: IamNoble and twitter: @IamreallyNoble

‘Save the Child’, will be on Noble’s fifth album titled, IAmNoble, which will be outdoored on the same Valentine’s Day.

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