Friday, January 9, 2015

Miz Gold Empowers’ Women Over Unprotected Sex

One of Africa’s renowned female dancehall musician, Miz Gold has observed that, young females in their early ages should not always seek for the protection and responsibilities of men to ensure their protection of unwanted pregnancy which quite offend ends the children as homeless or orphans.

She however sited that, women especially young ones in their early sexually active stages should take upon themselves the responsibility of buying condoms for use in the event whiles their sexually partner are not have one.

The dancehall artist who was speaking as a philanthropist and also a passionate for homeless children, has for the past five years in her music career given back to the society in the form of reaching out to less privileged children without parents, see it as an avenue to bless such children in orphanages.

It is based on this, which Miz Gold has institutionalize a musical concert dubbed, “Sing For Love”, which is an annual program where musicians and celebrities come together to raise funds to support children in such bad state of their lives.

“It is unfortunate the way young women in this dispensation re unable to also take up the responsibilities of seeking their protection in sexually activities by purchasing condoms and also insisting for it usage and not compromise sexuality for pleasure”, Miz Lamented.

“Single parenting by most of these young women is as a result of their inability to take such initiatives towards their active involvement in sexual intercourse”, she stressed.

Miz Gold called on corporate Ghana and celebrities to channel their resources of supporting these vulnerable children and women by educating the young women the importance and the use of condoms during the involvement of sexually intercourse.

This piece was written by Chris Twum for Cypress Ghana

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