Tuesday, January 13, 2015

A Piece Of Piece : How To Achieve Your Goals In Life !!!!

Hello and welcome to this weeks piece of peace, your weekly dose of motivation and inspiration. Today I would like to share on the topic of how to achieve your goals in life.

One important aspect of success is setting yourself goals. In the same way that there are road signs to help drivers find their way to their target destination, goals serve as indicators along the journey of life of how well or badly we are performing. 

It enables us to identify where we are looking to go and put the right plan in place to make sure we make it.

When setting goals, it is important to make them relevant and realistic to your personal circumstances. Here is a great way to make sure you set the right goals and ensure you are able to achieve them. It is important to ensure your goals are “SMART”:

S stands for Specific- WHAT, WHERE, HOW.

A goal has to be specific, distinct and has to define as much of the goal as possible without ambiguous language. They are your individual target hence use words that clearly highlight the objective that you are trying to achieve.

M is for Measurable- FROM AND TO

A measurement gives feedback and let’s one know when the goal is complete. You have to set the right type of performance metrics to measure how well you are doing at ever stage of the process.

A- Assignable-WHO

Goals must be assignable to individual groups of people. It is important to determine who will perform which role and at what level. Knowing the right people to delegate the right roles to will ensure that you are working efficiently.

R- How Realistic are your goals? Are they even Feasible?

Realistic goals are challenging yet attainable within the given time frame. Unrealistic goals are as a result of poor planning and therefore inevitably lead to failure. It is important to always set goals that fall within the realms of possibility.

Finally T stands for Time based

With any goal, you need to set an ideal time frame for achieving it. The time frame must however always be aggressive yet realistic. For example, no matter how badly one might want a baby it still takes 9 months for a child to be born. You need to ensure your goals fall within an appropriate time frame to ensure success.

No matter what field you find yourself in pertaining to your choice in career, it is important to remember, success of any kind is strongly dependent on knowing exactly what you want to achieve and working tirelessly to achieve it. Goals are a key part of that success journey.

They focus your efforts and pull all relevant resources together to help you overcome every barrier to failure. Stay focused and stick to your goals no matter what. Persistence beats resistance every time. And always remember, be yourself because everyone else is taken.

Much love,

Peace Hyde.

Twitter: @peac_hy

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