Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Statement: Ghana Advertising & Commercials Awards To Celebrate In Ghana

The ‘Ghana Advertising & Commercials Awards’ is an initiative to appreciate the works of the creative industry in Visual and Audio advertisement on Television, Radio, Print and online. 

This shall also be seen as an industry awards event as personnel involved in the making of such motional and motionless graphics receive an award for their work. This is an annual initiative aimed at promoting the art of creativity and imagination.

The “Ghana Advertising & Commercials Awards” (GhACA) is expected to be held annually with its maiden edition in NOVEMBER this year, other details to be released soon. This year’s focus is on ‘the need to put clients and customers in touch with a new dimension and progression to the meaning of marketing.

The V Junction and Oracle Africa Entertainment and Entertainment Code are the organizers for this event. Established to enhance the existing standards in Public Relations, Corporate Brand Management, Advertising, Hospitality and much more. Together we add a substantive, enhancing, HANDS ON, unique style and creative excellence in the corporate and private sector.

With 15 awards in eight categories for grabs, with a public voting via a short code on some criteria of the awards such as the Advertising Model Award,Most Preferred Advertising & Commercials Television/Radio Station,Best Photography/Billboard. Critiria for selection includes Message Of Content,Effective Communication,Order Of Presentation,Forum Of Exposure,Quality Of Production,Creativity Of Content & Production.

Agencies,Institutions are to submit at most eight production works for pre-selection by emailing to ghacawards@gmail.com or submit it at Oracle Africa Entertainment Offices in Osu(beside Metro Fm or adjacent Simbins Furniture) or call +233(0)247577397 / 0547236916 / 0508518778 / 0260527532.

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