Wednesday, May 21, 2014


Welcome to your regular dose of ‘A PIECE OF PEACE’! I believe we are all born to be great in our own way, and life is a journey laced with a series of lessons to enable you to unlock your inner greatness! So stayed tuned for a personal insight on tips, information and advice aimed to inspire and motivate that I am discovering as I embark on my journey to unlocking my inner greatness.

I hope it helps you as it is helping me!

Today I would like to share on the topic: YOU THINK BIG, YOU GET BIG!
Thinking is an activity of the mind that happens consciously or unconsciously to manipulate situations to produce results. So if you are thinking about a situation and it is not changing, that means we are not thinking in the right way.

If you have a problem, what thinking process do you activate to change that situation? Our mind hold the key to unlocking the answer to any problem we may face in our lives today. It is important to feed your thoughts with the right type of message everyday. What do you spend most of your time thinking about? The people who dislike you? The job you hate? The car you can’t afford?
No matter what it is, if you cannot come to a conclusion that produces results, then stop wasting your time stressing over those problems and engage your mind in the thinking process that will change your situation. We are what we think.

The mental exercise needed for success requires you to stop fretting over the little things and focus on the bigger picture. Your ability to do this means that you instinctively develop a positive mental attitude to life’s challenges.

In every situation we face, we always have an option of how to deal with it. We can either choose to let the situation overtake us, or we can choose to take control of that problem. You must learn a new way to think, before you master a new way to be! Taking control of your situation requires the right mental attitude.

Don’t downgrade your dreams to match your reality, upgrade your mind set to match your destiny. You have the power to overcome every adversity in your life. All that stands in your way is the right thought process. Always remain positive and have faith. You are just a positive thought away from your next blessing.

Be yourself, everyone else is taken.

Peace Hyde.

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