Thursday, February 27, 2014

STATEMENT: IMP Board reschedules Media and Broadcasting Awards

The International Board of the Institute of Media Practice has rescheduled the date for the Media and Broadcasting Awards which was set for the 7th of March 2014.

In a meeting held on the 13th of February 2014, the Board upheld suggestions made by the MABA Jury at their first meeting held on the 6th of February 2014.

The Jury raised concerns about the quality of some of the nominations and advised the focus group responsible for putting the nominations together to reassess the nominations and recategorise them. The Jury also suggested that persons nominated had to show proof of their work done in order to evaluate their nomination.

The Board in deliberations mentioned that only people with sterling work were to be honoured and that the essence of the Awards scheme was to ensure that generations could learn from those who gave their lives for the Media and Broadcasting Profession.

In view of this the Institute of Media Practice has withdrawn the original nominations it put out to the public and will after review with the Board and reconstituted Focus Group provide a new list in due course. We hope the new list will be a reflection of the over 80 years of the Ghanaian Media landscape.

The International Board of the Institute has also directed that 4 Ghanaians of High repute be inducted into the Media and Broadcasting Hall of Fame this year. The Institute will like to thank the Awards Jury made up of Mr. Kofi Bucknor, Mr. Akwasi Agyeman, Mr. Kofi Akpabli, Mr. Kofi Tsikata and Florence Toffa for the visionary work done.

It is the first time in the history of Awards in Ghana that a Jury has made suggestions for change to an Awards scheme. The Institute is also grateful to all members of the Media for their support.

A new date will be communicated in due course.

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