
Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Bola Ray Takes Us Through His Journey From Club DJ To A Business Mogul

‘Touch of France’, a personality TV show, which has its hostess to be H.E Anne Sophie AVÉ, the Ambassador of France to Ghana had the privilege of catching up with the Chief Executive Officer of EIB Network and associate producer of the ‘Touch of France’ program, Nathan Kwabena Adisi is also known as Bola Ray for an exclusive One on One interview.

On ‘Touch Of France’, Bola Ray shares his inspiring life story to remind people especially young folks that everything is possible with hard work and perseverance. He shared that, growing up, though life wasn’t that smooth, he promised his mother, he will be the first DJ with a Bachelor's Degree, buy her a house when she turns 60 and makes her the happiest mother, which he has achieved.

He emphasized that he had the conviction that whatever you conceive you will achieve “whatever you put your mind to it you can achieve it I have been a firm believer of whatever you conceive you can achieve, I told my mum I will buy her a house when she turns 60 and I did. I told her I will be the first DJ with a degree, she didn’t understand why with my two Degrees I will be doing DJING and not working in the bank”

He spoke on how he was able to turn things around from a Club DJ to hosting shows on BBC, TV3, JOYFM, Starr FM and now a CEO and a Business Mogul inspiring the youth around the world.

Bola touched on issues around what could be termed his favorite muse: tightening the ties between Africa and the rest of the world: including business with France, Knowing more about France and the importance of being abreast with the language and exploring business opportunities and even does a detour to comment on the developments of the relationship between France and Ghana.

Watch the interview here;


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