
Saturday, October 6, 2018

GH Comedians Proved ‘They Are Worth Celebrating’

Laughline Comedy show (kasa entertainment initiative) is part of the programs for the 25th anniversary of the national theatre of Ghana.

The Laughline show which was earmarked for the 28th of September 2018 hosted a plethora of stars and patrons who had their ribs cracked by the likes of Lekzy Decomic, Ob Amponsah, teacher Kwadwo, Khemikal, Putogo, Foster Romanus, Id James Brown Shawkiya among others with their astounding performance and delivery.

After a long period of back lashing our comedians, GH comedians have proved themselves worth their status and as a result, celebrating them will be in order just as criticising them when they fell short.

Last night event was a proof, that there are great comedians here in Ghana and the comedy industry here in Ghana is a very promising one and that patrons and investors should be confident to patronize and invest in them.

GH comedians are hopeful that Ghanaian’s will accept theirs, and that was evident in the turnout for last night’s event.

Last night's jokes remain memorable because they are issues the average Ghanaian can relate to which made it worth experiencing.

GH comedians deserve some accolades.

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