Wednesday, December 16, 2015


Hello and welcome to a Piece of Peace, your weekly dose of motivation and inspiration. This week, I would like to share on the topic of “The Calm before the Storm.” I had an interesting conversation with a lady I look up to last week. 

We were discussing her career and her journey so far to the top of her industry. From humble beginnings she has managed to rise to the top of the financial world in one of the most competitive capital markets in the world, Wall Street. She had some interesting things to highlight. Growing up in Africa, there were several challenges she had to overcome. Her parents did not have enough money to pay for her to go to the best schools so she knew she had to overachieve in school to make up for the deficit. 

She worked 10 times harder than her other privileged friends because she knew they had a financial advantage she would never have. Over the years, as she rose up the corporate ladder, she realised the same principles that brought her from poverty were still needed to help her succeed. One constant she has noticed through out her career is The Storm. 

No matter which stage of her career she was, she always noticed that there would be times where she would face unexpected difficulties. Prior to these difficulties were moments of growth and success. She had worked out that her life challenges came in cycles of 3 years. For example, in her previous job, she started as a financial clerk and worked her way to an analyst of the stock markets.

It took her 3 years to start earning her first 6-figure salary. She decided to get her first mortgage and clear all her student loans and was finally in a financially comfortable position for the first time in her life. Then the credit crunch happened, the company shut down and she lost her job along with thousands of employees. 

What she has learnt from this trend over the years is that, we will always encounter storms on our journey to success. It is not something we can avoid. Some people are perceptive enough to predict when this storm will come and for my friend she has now made provisions to wither that storm no matter what shape it comes in. 

“You see life comes in cycles, one day you may be up and the next day you are down. That is just how it works, you just need to remember that when there is a calm period you are enjoying, a storm is right around the corner”, she said to me. That advice stuck with me last week and I wanted to share with my faith builders today. A storm in your life does not mean the end of the road. 

Get comfortable not knowing because The only thing you need to know is that God is in control. Your journey won't be as pretty as you imagined - but you have never seen beauty like your destination. Don't be so scared to lose that you don’t try. Dedicate those hours and when you see nothing come of it, keep going! When it gets impossible, keep going - that's how you know you are almost there. 

Pour yourself into your purpose. Work without looking up and when you finally do, you will see your success! And no matter what you do, always remember to be yourself, because everyone else is taken.

Much Love,

Peace Hyde.

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