
Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Opera Music Best For Me – Nino

Ghanaian opera singer Nino Agyemang has said though opera music is not very popular in Ghana, he chose the genre over others because it is the best way to express himself as a musician.

“I get to express myself well with every repertoire I’m tasked to learn. But opera music is the best way to express myself. It is a music that reflects who I am. 

It’s my nature and my being that I express when I perform any opera song…for me none of the genres has that power to really be my voice. I have this satisfaction in my heart when I perform opera regardless of the language.

The magic in opera is simply unique. It’s the only genre I feel so connected to,” Nino told NEWS-ONE after his performance at the recent TEDx Accra event.

TEDx Accra is an annual Accra-based event where top members of Accra gather to create and share ideas. It was Nino’s first time performing at the event. “I do understand that the opera appreciation is minimal and it’s attributed to only the elites but I think it is music for all. Once you discover that hidden treasure in opera, you will never be the same,” he also said.
Nino’s obsession with opera music has been commended by those who appreciate that genre of music. Without any formal training in opera yet, he challenges himself to perform almost all opera’s greatest hits.

“The challenge has always not been the event or the number of audience I’m meeting but rather, I should sound better than my previous performances and I know I did it,” he said.

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