
Wednesday, May 27, 2015


Just when the Rap Dacta released his much talked about ‘Mere Twen Wo’ video last Saturday on his YouTube channel, I made it a point to be counted as one of the first people to see it.

I really enjoyed watching the video for the first time and especially admired every bit of it featured; scenery, creativity, colours, good picture quality and his unusual dance. But trust me, one thing which many might consider the tiniest detail is what struck me the most- the beginning of the video.

It started with a bold inscription of “once upon a time in a paradise called….GHANA” with just shots from the nicest and enjoyable places we have in the capital. Like seriously?  Okyeame Kwame, Ghana? A Paradise? No! No!! No!!

I think his definition for paradise is quite different from what I understand as “a place or state of pure happiness. A tropical island where you feel as though everything is perfect and wonderful.

Heaven or the Garden of Eden are examples of Paradise in the Christian religion” And Okyeame was bold enough to call Ghana a Paradise in the video? Ask me to name ten countries that look like paradise and my very own country Ghana, will not even cross my mind.

Is Okyeame Kwame being realistic here? Hello..?

A country where erratic power supply has become a major challenge posing threat to businesses - A country where the dollar rate keeps rising every now and then – A country where poor sanitation, water and hygiene have serious repercussions – A country where graduates are unemployed to mention but a few.

Even though, some parts of Ghana which the Rap Dacta proved in his ‘Mere Twen Wo’ video, will make you feel like you are in paradise, the challenges alone which the citizens go through will not make Ghana eligible to be christened “Paradise”.

Again, to live in such a Paradise Okyeame Kwame is talking about in his video, one have to pay huge sums of money before he can afford to purchase such places.

You can also click the link  to watch Okyeame Kwame ‘Mere Twen Wo’ video and share your thoughts HERE!!!

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