
Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Ghana Police Hospital And Health Education On Wheels Launch World Kidney Day On March 12th, 2015 In Ghana

The Ghana Police Hospital in partnership with Health Education on Wheels (HEOW), an NGO commemorated World Kidney Day through a series of screening tests for uniformed personnel and their families at the Police Hospital Dialyses Centre in Accra.

World Kidney Day is an international event which is observed each year to promote awareness and education about the importance of our Kidneys to our overall health.

The theme for this year's celebrations is "Kidney Health For All".

In solidarity with Event Highlights, “We invite everyone to drink a glass of water and give one too to celebrate their kidneys".

This is meant to be a symbolic gesture that helps to highlight challenges in tackling Kidney disease in vulnerable populations where poor water hygiene, lack of hydration and unhealthy choice of beverages are problems.
The Chief Inspector of Police (IGP), Mohammed Alhassan graced the occasion and highlighted the importance of the partnership in providing support for patients with chronic renal failure through kidney dialysis.

The FREE screening attracted patronage from police officers, fire service officers, immigration officers as well as the general public.

The Chairman of the Board of Directors for HEOW, Mr. Godfried Nyante expressed his delight at the turnout of the event.

Board Director, Dr. Sylvia J. Anie also encouraged participants to ensure that they are always well hydrated by drinking enough water and encouraged regular monitoring of one’s blood pressure.

Donations were received from The Enterprise Group who donated a new kidney dialysis machine and DMED Healthcare AG. Limited who also confirmed they were donating two kidney dialyses machines.

All three machines are to be received by the centre by April 2015.  Participants were refreshed by donations from Kalyppo and Frutelli.

HOW is at the forefront of Dialysis Treatment for End Stage Renal Failure. They recommended the following:

·        Monitor your blood pressure- High blood pressure accelerates kidney damage.

·        Keep Fit and active- exercise and more exercise.

·        Do not smoke- smoking slows blood flow to the kidneys and reduces their ability to function properly.

·        Eat healthily and keep your weight in check.

·        Get your kidney function checked.

·        Keep well hydrated-This helps the kidneys clear sodium, urea and toxins from the body.

The factors that put you at increased risk are:

·        DIABETES





Currently there is no cure available for people with end stage kidney failure. The only treatments available are dialysis, a transplant or conservative care.

The Kidney Dialyses Centre which is located at the Police Hospital Annex is open to the public five days a week from Monday to Friday from 8am to 5pm.


Dr. Sylvia J. Anie, FRSM. FRSC.

Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine.

Board Director


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