
Friday, November 21, 2014

Office Tricks : Dealing With Sensitive Issues: Emotions, Religion, Politics & Etc

Dear Cypress Ghana Blog Readers, 

What does it takes to stay on track and give the due attention to what you are paid to do while in the office - respectfully, assertively and confidently dealing with your colleagues.

Relating to your co-workers in the office professionally, inspite of varying positions in terms of religion, political affiliations and emotional connections is re ally important and can often be a challenge.  These tips will help:

1.    Respect the other person’s view of the world and expect the same from them

2.    Avoid labeling people and competing on these grounds to the detriment of your organization.

3.    Do not let this interfere with how you deal with them professionally

4.    Ensure that you do not judge them with this but purely on merit and commitment to the job they are paid to do and how they contribute

5.    Avoid mocking and causing embarrassment deliberately in order to ‘expose’ them

6.    Do not take people’s views about your religion and political preference personal and react or attack them

7.    Unfair treatment based on these can amount to discrimination and should not be encouraged

8.    As an employer, do not let emotional, political or religious connections be the main reason for hiring people – recruit the right peoples, based on merit.

Ideally this will not be an issue but as these areas of our life are very personal and often deeply set in us, they unavoidably pop up in our mental filters, often without a conscious awareness. So do not generalize and paint all people with the same brush

Do not assume you know how people will respond in situations because of their religious background or a personal experience you had with someone of the same political party or who had a similar position on an issue because of how they felt emotionally.

These will only act to limit your perception and value of them which can cost the company and a productive office atmosphere..

After all you are there primarily to perform a role based on your skills, abilities and value, not your religion, politics or other viewpoints on particular issues.

Treat your desk area with due care and discipline – it will help you to perform better at work and give a professional impression!!!

By Jennifer Agyeman

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