Thursday, October 9, 2014

“It’s Not About The Money & Fame” Say Obrafuor (@iamobrafour)

Ghana’s revered rapper Obrafuor, the rap osofo is out with his new single Odasani. Which was released yesterday, October 8th on The Starr Drive with Bola Ray at Starr103.5FM.

The M.anifest featured single off his Obrafofro album as usual, has the makings of classic composition, musically.

Speaking with Giovani on the Late Night Celebrity Show on ETV Ghana, the Pae Mu Ka hitmaker explained;
“I have been away for four years, and that’s counting from when Kasiebo with Guru dropped. It’s not about the money, it’s not about the fame, it’s the passion for what I do that keeps me going hard on this. And that’s why I could stay in the back this long and still comeback to rapping again”.

Answering a fan’s question about his marital status the award winning rapper revealed;

“All this while, I have been private about my love life but I’m married with three kids. And they are the people who cheer me up the most in this world.”

Answering a query from a fan about his much publicized OB4 Clothing, the rapper born Michael Elliot Kwabena Okyere Darko revealed;

“The OB4 clothing at the time was made as a uniform for the soldiers during the period of the Execution Diary. It wasn’t made for commercial purposes and it didn’t fail as a product like people were made to believe. It was for all the soldiers during the recording of the album and the documentary. But it’s not too late, if people want to wear it, we can always bring it back.”

Answering a question about him recording a gospel album he mentioned his statement was taken out of context.

“What I really said was that I would want to work on my salvation, because nobody knows what will or might happen. I didn’t say I was going to do gospel music with my own might but if God ordains me, I will work on it but I am just working on myself.

“Even with the new one - Odasani, the gospel has always been in my music. I always ask myself how I come about with these pieces because I don’t have the slightest idea how these ideas rush into my head. But writing is divine. “

On why he chose dreadlocks over short hair he answered;

“I’m still doing music and it has no religious influence, I did this for identity sake to be recognized anywhere so I make my mark. This will be the hair style I will spot as long as I’m doing music.”

The Late Night Celebrity Show with Giovani Caleb comes to you every Monday, Wednesday and Fridays at 9.30 PM with Vannesa Gyan updating viewers on Star Trends.

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