According to reports, Ghanaian actor Michael Moncar has passed away. A close source to the actor’s family told peacefmonline that, the unfortunate incident happened at about 5:00am Friday morning, after a short illness. Actor and close friend to the deceased, Mr. Fred Amugi confirmed to that even though it is so hard to believe, death has laid its cold hands on his bosom friend Michael Moncar.
“Michael has been sick for about a week now until this unfortunate incident happened but my brother God knows best”, the actor told Peacefmonline’s Eugene Osafo-Nkansah with a shaky voice.
Fred disclosed that the unassuming actor has been on admission at the Korle Bu Teaching Hospital for about a week until he died this morning.
However investigation revealed that negligence at the hospital may be one of the reasons for the actor’s untimely death.
Actor Michael Moncar is a very familiar face on our screens in Ghana.
He has been acting for over two decades now both in movies and Television series. Until his death this morning Michael was well known for his character as “Akoto” in popular Television series Efiewura.
“Michael has been sick for about a week now until this unfortunate incident happened but my brother God knows best”, the actor told Peacefmonline’s Eugene Osafo-Nkansah with a shaky voice.
Fred disclosed that the unassuming actor has been on admission at the Korle Bu Teaching Hospital for about a week until he died this morning.
However investigation revealed that negligence at the hospital may be one of the reasons for the actor’s untimely death.
Actor Michael Moncar is a very familiar face on our screens in Ghana.
He has been acting for over two decades now both in movies and Television series. Until his death this morning Michael was well known for his character as “Akoto” in popular Television series Efiewura.
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